
I haven’t done any martial arts training before.  Will this be suitable for me?

Definitely.  As long as you have a healthy attitude towards your training and towards others you’ll get along just fine.  Initially you’ll discuss things with one of our trainers to find out what options are best suited for you to start and we'll get you hitting the mats running in no time.

Also, don't feel that you will be holding anyone else up.  The more experienced clients will want to help your development as well.  This is because they want your game, abilities and fitness levels to improve so you can then push their games with your new abilities (we are a selfish bunch like that).  

They have all been beginners, have all experienced the same welcoming, and as such want you to be as welcomed as they were when they started.


Sounds great, can i just turn up?

Yes and No…. At Forge Martial Arts, while catering for the everyday person as well as the advanced athlete we do not have an open door policy. We prefer to know who is coming on the mats before hand.  If you simply CONTACT US before hand, we can have you on the mats in no time. So please contact us with your interest rather than turning up unannounced. 

The reason for this are;  

- We want to ensure your training kicks off to a great start and we would like find out more about you, and will want to ensure you start in a suitable session.

-We like to know our clients goals and level of ability so we can help in achieving their goals through appropriate planning of the session. While we can achieve the goals of most of our enquiries, there are a few we can’t. If we are not the best place to achieve your goals… we’ll tell you and we will offer recommendations of where your needs can be meet.

- We vet our perspective clients to ensure the environment remains positive.  NO MEATHEADS are allowed. Put simply, if the wrong type of person, with the wrong intent contacts us… we don’t invite them in.

We sincerely want you to love your training as much as we all do. Once you’ve joined the existing clients, you’ll understand the importance of the training environment and mat culture we have, and you too will only want to train with others who are considerate of other peoples training, lifestyle and goals.

When do you train?

What equipment do I need?

Group sessions are currently taking place every weeknight in the evenings and Saturday mornings.  Personal training is organised at mutual agreeable times. We also have our times up on our timetables page, so go have a look!

To start with, just you dressed in clothes you are comfortable to exercise and sweat in plus a large bottle of water.  Clients are encouraged to purchase their own equipment/Gi/rashie/gloves/etc, but we do have some loan items you can use until you purchase your own.