Juniors & Teens Self Defence (10-16) - A comprehensive BJJ Program contextualised for your Teen. Exploring the concepts, techniques and strategies of Jiu Jitsu and engaging in drilling, rough play and rolling

Jiu Jitsu All Levels Gi and No Gi (15+) - These Adult based 2 hour classes are where foundational BJJ skills are coached first and then progressed dependant on the clientele on the mat to intermediate and advanced levels. Progressions of a theme are followed for a number of sessions to ensure all client get exposed to the content and take something away to add to their game. Most classes will involve drilling of specific movements, both solo and partnered, to develop muscle memory. Then we move to Isolated sparring or constraint based training to bring in intensity and problem solving within a specific position or skill set. And finally we finish with open rolling to integrate new skills into the whole game.

Judo (10+) - Get a Grip, break their balance and refine your throwing techniques in these 1.5 hour class.

Open Mats- Informal Extra Training. Turn the music up, Roll, Spar, Drill, Problem Solve or just hang out & chat. Coaches & Mat Mentors are always happy to give guidance, so hit us up with your questions! 

Private Training - booked at mutually agreeable times through out the week (not just as per time table above), private training is for those wanting specific, individualised coaching just for them.